Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! God is good! Jesus Reigns! His Word never fails. How thankful I am.

As we gorge today, remember that all things (turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, rolls, Shawna's unbelievable 7-layer salad, pumpkin pie, etc.) comes from His hand. He has blessed us indeed.

My friends in Northern Iraq will thank the Lord for different things today. Better things. Like life - Sadam and his army will not invade any villages in Kurdistan today and kill the men and boys. And even in the threat of possible invasion, they'll be thankful for today.

May we thank God for more than food today. May we thank Him for all that He is for us. And for all we have in Christ!

Be glorified through me this Thanksgiving, Lord.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Our God Reigns!

I am home. After 9 days out of the country, I returned to my wife and boys yesterday evening. It was a wonderful reunion.

For the past week, I have been in Amman, Jordan and Northern Iraq (or Kurdistan). I cannot give a ton of details, especially people's names, but I'll give you a few highlights.

God is doing an amazing work in Kurdistan (and for that matter, Iraq as a whole). I was blown away with how different things are from what the media feeds us. Don't believe what you see on the news. I have never met more loving people than the Kurds. Yes, there were times of nervousness and anxiousness inside me, but what I discovered was that most of those times were caused by me and all that I had come to believe. Also, in my lack of faith in the Sovereignty of God.

We had the opportunity to attend a church service while we were there. There were people who traveled from Baghdad, Mosul and other difficult places... AT NIGHT! The team was so encouraged by their love for God. We talked afterwards about how little it takes for American "Christians" to skip church. If it rains; if it snows; if I'm tired; if the yard needs work; and on and on... Americans will skip church. You know, cause God would never want us to get wet or cold or whatever just to go and worship Him. Those that traveled distances risked their lives to come to church. What will you risk?

I am so thankful for God letting me go to Iraq. Some thought (and probably still think) that I am crazy. I'm okay with that. I saw God. And I am more sure than ever that He is faithful; that He reigns over us; that nothing can happen to me or for me apart from His will; that He is calling people from every nation for His glory.

Another blessing: I got to lead worship on Saturday evening for the team that went as well as two other Americans serving there and around 12-15 Kurdish men. The men were not Believers, they were Muslims. My friend Jamal looked at me just before I started leading and said, "Where are we?" That about summed it up. Who would have thought that God would allow me to lead worship with more Muslims present than Believers... in Iraq?!? God reigns. He is good.

Please pray that these men as well as many others we encountered will come to know Christ. That God moves through the church that He is raising up in Iraq.

Oh... one more thing. I met a man there who is from the States. He is serving the people in Northern Iraq to win them to Christ. I fell in love with him in about 2 minutes... maybe 1 1/2. He gives his life so that they will know the truth about God and His Son. He works hard. He is 68 years old.

Forgive us, Lord. May I give my life for the Glory of Your Name! May I live for You, not for myself. Be glorified in me. Help me to reach the people you have placed me around. Help me to give and work tirelessly that others may know. Please awake your church in America to Your Glory that they would be mobilized to places like Iraq and Afghanistan and other difficult, unreached places.

I love you, Jesus. Thank you for sending me to Iraq. Let me continue to press on and hear your voice and follow.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Why I'm going...

Hey, those of you who know me, know I'm heading out for 9 days. I wanted to post a song off of my upcoming CD release. It's not completed. There's still some more mixing and editing to do, but I thought it was appropriate for the upcoming trip. I'll put the words below. Pray for us.

Be Glad in Him

Let every nation sing
And every tribe proclaim
You're worthy
Lord, give us hearts to go
That everyone would know
Your name

Be glad, be glad in Him
For He alone is holy
Rejoice, proclaim His name
We're living for His glory

Every knee will bow
And every tongue will sing
My exceeding joy
Is my eternal King

copyright Tony Hall 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

Leif's first goal!

So Tuesday, Leif's team was playing and we had a monumental moment for our boys... the first soccer goal! It was a little more than exciting. I thought I would post it for all of you... and maybe some scouts out there... to see.

I recommend watching it in full speed, then if it allows you, drag the slider slowly so that you can see the great kick. That's not just boasting on my son... it was a great kick, changing directions while the ball was coming at him. I am proud of him.

Have a great week and hopefully I'll be posting again really soon.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

God's Blueprint

So this past weekend I preached on Acts 2:22-36. I'm amazed at God. In Peter's sermon, he's talking about Jesus and how the people had delivered Him over to be crucified, even though they knew and saw the things that God did through Him. These mighty works, wonders and signs were all ways that God attested to Jesus. They were His way of shouting, "This is my Son, Jesus. He is the One who is to come."

But what amazes me most is Peter's comment before he says that they crucified and killed Jesus. He says that Jesus was delivered up by the definite plan and foreknowledge of God.

I encourage you to listen to the whole sermon, but here's some thoughts that we talked about.

Many will write this off as simply God's foreknowledge. In other words, God responded to man sinning by planning Jesus' death. But let's look at it closer.

What does "definite plan" mean? Why did God "plan" it? When did God "plan" it? These questions, I think, will greatly affect our thoughts and even our worship of God.

When I think of someone having a definite plan, I think of an architect. Think about it. Have you ever looked closely at blueprints. There is time and effort put into the blueprint so that the exact plan is accomplished to bring about a certain result. That's what God's definite plan was, a blueprint (sort of) of how He wanted to accomplish a certain result.

Why did God plan Jesus' death? Love. Romans 5:8 says, "God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." In other words, God planned for Jesus to die because it was the very best way to show you and me that He loves us. Jesus said in John 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends." So God planned to show us in the best way possible, Jesus' death, that He loves us, and that there is no greater love than his.

Finally, when did He plan it? This is a tough one. For many it is difficult. Our own nature wants to cry out that God must have done the planning after Adam sinned. But that doesn't fit with the teaching we get in Scripture. Nor does it best demonstrate God's love for us. Let's look at both of those:

Revelation 13:8 says, "and all who dwell on earth will worship it (the antichrist), everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb that was slain." Did you catch that? The book of life of the Lamb that was slain. The Lamb is Jesus. And when was the book of life of the Lamb that was slain written? Before the foundation of the world. When God wrote the book of life of the Lamb that was slain, no one had sinned. There weren't even people yet. God's definite plan before the foundation of the world was to sacrifice His Son for the sins of the world that hadn't happened yet.

As I said earlier, the second reason God had to have planned it before there was sin rather than in response to sin is that it best demonstrated His love. Let me give you this picture. Though I don't do this enough, my wife loves receiving flowers from me. But which way demonstrates my love most? Is it when I bring flowers because I screwed up and want to make amends? Or is it when I plan to demonstrate my love by bringing home unexpected flowers to say, "I love you honey." I know that is a small example compared to God's huge example, but I think it helps. God planned the best way to show his love, before there was a need.

The point: God loves the world so much that He gave His only Son, so that whoever believes will not die but will be given eternal life.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Silent Treatment

Well, I figure I should probably begin by saying that I'm sorry there hasn't been a post in over a month. Things have been pretty busy, but I'll try to be more consistent with this again.

Since my last post, several things have happened.

A few weeks ago, our friend Corey and Megan moved to Michigan to begin training for the mission field. It has been weird to not have them around. They were part of the launch team at our church and have been involved in leadership since the beginning. Corey was always one of the first to arrive to set up and last to leave. So his absence has been noticable for the past two Sundays. Please pray for them as they are prepared to go into full-time missions. What an awesome blessing to see what God is doing in their lives.

At the church we've been going through the book of Acts. I'll probably be posting more about that in future posts as I want to start using this as a "what-I-would-have-said-if-I could-have-preached-for-2-hours" opportunity.

Anyway, I'll update some more soon. Thanks for your patience with me and for still checking in.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Pastor of my home

I have a deeper love than ever before for pastoring. Yes, my church is included in that, but mostly I love pastoring my home. Family worship is going well, with the boys growing and taking it more seriously each day.

The teaching part of our worship has come from a book we recently purchased. Please take note of the title, dads. It's called, "Truth and Grace Memory Book" and it is published by Founders Press, but you can get it at CBD for cheaper.

The second half of the book is a christian catechism for ages 2 through 4 grade. Each question has passages to teach the doctrine that is covered in that question. It has been great hearing the boys respond to these questions with biblical truth. (If you had checked the blog before, I erased the questions that I had listed from the book due to copyright laws.)

How I look forward to the day when these doctrines shape not only their mind, but their hearts and purposes in life. May God be glorified through it all!

"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Family worship

We have turned a page in our parenting. I admit, it is one that should have been turned years ago, but we are just coming around to it. It comes in response to some passages we love.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 - And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. (ESV, emphasis added)

Ephesians 6:4 - Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. (ESV)

And so, we have started family worship. We will not expect our kids to do the "church thing" once a week. We will do it daily. I have my guitar at home and so our times are much like Sunday mornings with worship and teaching, except that our boys are all with us and there are a lot fewer people.

Our first night worshipping together was Saturday, I must tell you that it was less than reverent. We completely expected that our first times would be more training than worshipping, and we were right. The boys had a "tough" time staying focused and not acting like... hmmm... animals. We didn't know how many nights it would take for them to begin to settle in to the routine, but we were committed to doing it.

Last night, our third night of family worship, was wonderful. The boys sat and engaged like they had not done the previous two nights. Our friends Corey and Megan were there and participated. I'm not saying that we have arrived at the ideal family worship time, I'm just so thankful and encouraged that progress is already being made.

What is the purpose and end result? Our hope is that God is glorified beyond our generation...

Psalm 78:5-7 - He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

July 4th prayer


Thank you for letting me experience the freedom that I do in America. Thank you that I do not live in fear of being tortured and even killed for speaking openly about You. Thank you for Jesus, who brought freedom to my heart.

Help me to respond in a way that is honoring to you. With much freedom comes much relaxing and laziness. Help me to speak of you. Help me to live for you in complete obedience.

Help me to love the broken and needy. Help me to see that my freedom is an opportunity to serve and love and give.

And if things continue to get more and more difficult for those who genuinely follow your word, Lord; then help us to respond as your disciples did when they were faced with arrest, persecution and death...

"And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness" (Acts 4:29)

"And when they had called in the apostles, they beat them and charged them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. Then they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name." (Acts 5:40-41)

Be glorified in your church today, Lord.

Monday, July 2, 2007


Not that there is anything wrong with my last sentence in the previous post, but let me rephrase it for personal clarity:

Oh how I want to anticipate and long for Jesus' presence like these brokenhearted disciples did.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

It's never easy saying goodbye

This morning I preached through Acts 1:6-11. One of the things we talked about was Jesus' ascension into heaven. I was almost overwhelmed as I thought and taught through this whole part.

Have you ever thought about what the disciples must have been thinking? How about what they were feeling?

They had lost Jesus once already. He was dead. Their Friend and the One who they had given up everything to follow was dead. The miracle worker was gone. Their hopes were destroyed. Their hearts were broken.

Then the unthinkable happened. Jesus was alive! He had risen from the dead! The disciples had Jesus back. If that wasn't enough to bring eternal joy, they thought that they would be with Him forever. Yes, forever. The disciples thought that Jesus was going to set up His earthly kingdom and that they would be with Him forever. They would rule with Him, they thought. There could, in my mind, have been no greater joy than this. Forever... with Jesus. Their broken hearts, now overflowing with joy, would never again ache.

They were wrong.

It says in verse 10 that as Jesus disappeared into heaven the disciples stood gazing. Once again, I can only imagine, with broken hearts.

I cannot imagine how difficult it was to say goodbye, again. I've said goodbye to many friends in this life. I've cried almost every time. But none were Jesus. None had risen from the dead. None were the Savior of the world and healer of my heart.

It's never easy to say goodbye, but oh how I want to anticipate and long for Jesus' return like these brokenhearted disciples did.

Season end...

Friday was Alden's last teeball game. Not just for the 2007 season, but forever. Next year he will move on to the bigger league of coach-pitch. Things move so quickly. Not in teeball, in life.

Alden had about 2 games a week for 6 weeks. Pretty busy schedule for a 6 year old and 34 and 33 year old parents. We realized that in 4 years, Silas will be old enough to start playing organized sports. 4 boys playing on 4 different teams. Help us, Lord.

Anyway, here's a picture a friend took during Alden's last game. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Love Your Neighbor

I was sitting in panera reading and uploading this weeks sermon and started thinking about how we are commanded to love our neighbors as much as we love ourselves. I started thinking about it because I was thinking about the disciples.

We just started a sermon series through the book of Acts this weekend. I was thinking about how 12 guys were literally, physically close to Jesus. They lived the dream. I mean, how many of us have wanted to be there on the boat when Jesus comes walking out of the darkness... on the water. Who wouldn't want to see 5000 men plus wives and children feast on 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread (and then find baskets full of leftovers). Obviously that's not even mentioning dead people coming back to life and the healing of countless others. The disciples saw it all. They literally saw God. They walked with Him and learned from Him.

But one of them never got it. Can you imagine? I can't. I just don't get it.

Anyway, Judas is what is blowing me away with the "love your neighbor" command. Jesus knew that Judas would betray him (John 6:64, John 13:11). I have a hard enough time loving people who are good to me. Jesus loved this guy day in and day out and all the while knew that Judas would sell Him out.

Lord, help me to love. I don't even know if I understand what the word means.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

A better place

Shawna and I are away for a few days. 5 days, actually. It has been wonderful to spend time with each other with no interuptions. We are spending our days in Asheville, NC. It is beautiful.

I love Columbus. Believe me, I really love it. But this is a better place. I can't even count how many unbelieveble sites we've seen since we got here yesterday evening.

Today, we drove to Chimney Rock. It's where they filmed "The Last of the Mohicans." Here are a few pictures of our trip. A few are from the drive to Chimney Rock and 2 are during the hike. Once there (and I should say, once we had seen more beauty than I've seen in a few years combined), we hiked up to Chimney Rock, then up higher and around to the top of Hickory Nut Falls.

God gave us incredible weather. It was sandwiched between rain and storms last night and this afternoon. We considered not even going due to it being overcast and the weather people threatening of possible severe storms today. But we forged ahead and as we approached the park the clouds gave way and we enjoyed sunny weather for the entire hike.

Would have liked to have had the boys a few times... we saw some lizards and a snake that was sun bathing right next to the path we were on. I'm convincing myself it wasn't poisonous.

You're going to have to come sometime to see for yourself. If you do... get fit first. That hike was a killer on the way up!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Isaiah 26:3-4

"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock."

Lord, please help. Keep my mind to be stayed on You. Somehow. Let me trust in You, forever. You are an everlasting rock!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Practically Jesus

I'm preparing for my message this weekend. I'm teaching through the purpose of our church right now. Our purpose is "pursuing God's fame". We try to live that out in 6 areas that make the acronym, PURSUE; Passionate worship, Unchurched people, Remaining faithful to God's Word, Stewardship, Understanding God's heart for the poor, and Equipping the church.

This week we're talking about pursuing God's fame by understanding God's heart for the poor. I love this topic, though I stand ashamed at how little I look like Jesus each time I study it.

One of the texts we're looking at is Isaiah 58:6-9. God is giving his people a picture of what real fasting looks like. It wasn't at all what they were doing, or what we do much of the time. The Israelites were actually praying things like, "God, don't you see what's going on? We're humbling ourselves. We're fasting. Are you noticing?" Here are some of the words God spoke in response to their hypocritical seeking of Him.

"Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh? Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up speedily; your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; you shall cry, and he will say, 'Here I am.'"

That sure looks a lot like Jesus to me. That's how he lived. And it reminds me how far I am from practically living like Him. I've NEVER brought the homeless poor into my house. I've thought about it a lot. But I guess that classifies me with several of the Pharisees who probably went home fantasizing about the same thing, yet remaining hypocrites.

I'm praying with John the Baptist, "(Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease," (John 3:30). I wrote at the beginning that this is a topic that I love. My prayer is that it will no longer be a topic for me, but rather lived in such a way that when my sons come across the words of Isaiah 58 sometime in their life their response will be, "That sure looks a lot like my dad."

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Rounding second...

Okay, so the first teeball game is under Alden's belt. It's pretty exciting. He did well with just a little bit of nervous hesitancy. He had two good hits and fielded the ball really well, too.

I didn't really know the 'format' for a teeball game. As I've mentioned, it was our first, probably of hundreds. Anyway, they don't count outs, which admittedly was hard for my over-competitive nature to swallow at first, and there are only two innings. Each inning consists of every kid on the team batting once.

I see the gain that will come from this. Alden is already getting some instincts of what to do 'in the field'. It's exciting to watch, especially since he really, really enjoys the game... more than soccer.

Anyway, thought I'd let you know how it went and post a picture of Alden holding up at second.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Pre-game jitters

My oldest son has his first tee-ball game tonight at 6:00. I have to tell you, there is some serious anxiety and nervous stomach. Oh, not in him... in me. I feel like it's my first game. I feel like there's a lot on the line tonight. I don't know why. I'm excited to see how it turns out. He has seemed naturally gifted in our yard and even during practice. Now is the ultimate test.

I'm obviously overstating the situation, but it's really exciting and fun as I anticipate this new part of my buddy's life. I'll post the results after the game... maybe with a raspy voice.

Verse of the day

3 John 1:4

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."

Friday, May 18, 2007

Some good reminders for me

I've been reading through the book of Isaiah this past week. I'm going to try to finish it this weekend. But here's why I decided to read it again and what I'm finding... again. The most God centered person in the universe is.... God. He's a lot more into Himself than He is into me. Don't get me wrong, He loves me... a lot. But He's out for His own glory, and that's the most loving thing He could possibly do.

It helps me remember that everything's not about me. It helps rekindle my purpose... to pursue God's fame above all else.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I survived.

Well, I made it. With a few trips to panera (using my friend's computer) and one to the library, I survived my week without a computer. I picked mine up this afternoon and plan on just staring at it for the next couple of hours.

I will post again soon as I have missed all of you... maybe both of you is more accurate.

Have a great week.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

New Testament Church

So, I think I'm starting to understand what pastoring was like in the New Testament. Please, don't get too excited. You'll be disappointed.

I took my powerbook G4 to the Apple Store because the tracking pad stopped working yesterday. They gave me a quote that was much lower than a new Macbook (although I would LOVE to get one), but here was the big blow... I won't have my computer back for 5 to 7 business days.

I'm discovering some things, though. I'll give you another list.

1. My sermon notes are on my computer, which I don't have. I could use those.
2. My worship charts, powerpoints and song lists are on my computer, which I don't have. I could use those.
3. My schedule/calender is on my computer, which I don't have. I could use that.
4. I'm not distracted by a computer screen and therefore was very productive today. I can really, really use that.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

3 things I know today

My friends Francis Chan and Jim Elliston were visiting this weekend. Francis was here preaching at the church. I encourage you to listen to the sermon if you can.

Here are some things that I know after spending the week with Francis and Jim...

1. Francis is the most gifted preacher I know.
2. I love being a pastor.
3. I miss my two friends.

Friday, May 4, 2007

A long-time friend

Sorry I haven't posted yet this week. I've been in Atlanta, GA at a Passion Conference for college leaders, pastors and student leaders. The conference is Thirsty. I'm still there. We have one more session today and then a long drive in a 15 passenger van back home.

I've been pretty excited about coming, mostly because of who I knew I would hear from; Francis Chan, Louie Giglio, Andy Stanley, Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, David Crowder, and Charlie Hall. They've all been really good. But I wasn't expecting what I received last night. I had the most incredible conversation with a long-time friend.

I guess, to be honest, I've "communicated" with him several times over the years, but this is the first real conversation we've had in a while. Intimacy. I was talking. He was talking. I was listening. He was genuinely listening to me. It was good. I was moved to tears. I felt honored that he took the time. He felt the same. I even asked if we could do this more often. He said he would love to.

His name is Jesus. I have never felt closer to him than I do today. It was the most incredible moment of my life and I can't wait to talk with him again.

John 10:3-4 - "... The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice."

Thursday, April 19, 2007

... and it was very good.

It's been a pretty exciting week for us. Our son, Alden, turned six last week. He's our oldest.

One of my fears as a pastor is "brainwashing" fake Christianity into my kids. If you don't know what I mean, I think there are too many kids being told that if they don't want to go to hell, then they need to pray a certain prayer so that they can be saved. If you don't know the Bible, that's completely opposite of what Jesus says. Lots of people pray, but lots of people aren't saved.

Jesus' message was MUCH harder than that. In fact, Jesus said that anyone who wanted to follow Him would have to deny themselves, take up their cross (execution device, makes for a great flannel graph), and follow Him (Mark 8:34), not just pray a prayer. Jesus was NEVER about the easy road. In fact, He said that there is one easy road, but it leads to hell (Matthew 7:13-14). Isn't this an encouraging blog... read on... it gets better. God is very good.

So, my prayer for all my boys has been that God would do what ONLY God can do. That He would open their eyes to see and understand that He is the greatest treasure they could ever have (Matthew 13:44). He's greater than their dad, their mom, their brothers, their future girlfriends, their future wives, their future kids, everything.

The Bible is very clear, (please sit down, things might get bumpy ahead) that we don't choose God, he chooses us (Ephesians 1:5, 11; 1 Peter 1:1-3; Revelation 13:8). So my prayer has been 2 Corinthians 4:4, 6, "... the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God... For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." For those who struggle with God's sovereignty, especially when it comes to salvation, please wrestle with these verses. They speak loudly that God, not us, makes the decision. We've got to start giving Him the glory for it, not ourselves. He spoke light into my heart!!!! I'm so thankful that He didn't leave it to me to try to find Him.

I pray those words for my boys every day. "God, please speak light into their hearts, so that they see how wonderful Jesus is."

So Sunday was a good day. Shawna was driving the boys to church and was playing the new Tim Hughes worship CD. There is a song called, "The Highest and Greatest" on the CD. It's about what life is about, giving God glory in all things. We were created for that. Well, Alden was singing so loud and at the end of the song burst out: "I WANT TO GO TO HEAVEN. Maybe Jesus is coming back today. He sure is taking a long time."

So my mind is thinking and praying, "Did you do it, Lord? Did you open his eyes? Is he starting to get it?"

Then came Tuesday. Shawna and the boys were having lunch when Alden, with no prompting, said, "I'm not going to get baptized, I'm just going to believe in God." Shawna replied, "Well, Alden, the Bible says that when you follow Jesus, first you repent of your sins, then you get baptized (Acts 2:38; 1 Peter 3:21)." Alden: "Well, the last time someone put my head under water, I choked." Shawna: "We can work on that Alden. We can teach you to hold your breath better. Do you want to get baptized Alden?" Alden: "Yes." Shawna: "Why? Why would you want to get baptized? Why does a person get baptized?" Alden: "Because, they want to give their lives to the Lord."

This conversation was followed by a call to me to share the news of Alden's words. Then Shawna went back to Alden for more talk.

Shawna: "Alden, I'm so happy that you would want to give your life to the Lord. I'm happy that you would want to get baptized." Alden: "Can kids get baptized?" Shawna: "Yes. As long as they believe in Jesus. Alden, are there other kids that you know that are wanting to live for God?" Alden: "No, I just want to do it myself."

When God spoke into the darkness thousands of years ago and there was instantly light, he said, "It is very good." I continue to pray for my little boy that God will continue opening his eyes to Jesus, but it seems that on Tuesday, April 17, God once again spoke light into a dark place... it was very good.