I've been reading through the book of Isaiah this past week. I'm going to try to finish it this weekend. But here's why I decided to read it again and what I'm finding... again. The most God centered person in the universe is.... God. He's a lot more into Himself than He is into me. Don't get me wrong, He loves me... a lot. But He's out for His own glory, and that's the most loving thing He could possibly do.
It helps me remember that everything's not about me. It helps rekindle my purpose... to pursue God's fame above all else.
"God is the one Being in all the universe for whom seeking His own praise is the ultimately loving act. For Him self-exaltation is the highest virtue. When He does all things "for the praise of His glory" as Ephesians 1 says, He preserves for us and offers to us the only thing in all the world which can satisfy our longings. God is for us, and therefore has been, is now and always will be, for Himself. Praise the Lord! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." John Piper
Awesome reminders for me as well. On a side note. I think you should change you picture to one with your beard. Just a thought...
Awesome reminders for me as well. On a side note. I think you should change you picture to one with your new beard. Just a thought...
I thought I'd post that first comment twice. just to make you think a lot of people commented... joking... I accidently did it.
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