Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A hero...

I was blessed to be able to attend John Piper's Pastors Conference this week. What a blessing. How rich we are to have such godly men to learn from. I was challenged, convicted, encouraged and blessed. I have learned how to be a better son, a better dad and a better pastor. Please pray for me if you read this that the "how" will be engaged to "being".

Here's me with my hero, John Piper. I doubt he'll ever read this, but if he does (and just so you know why...), "Thank you John. I do not know what kind of a pastor I would be if it weren't for your faithfulness to the Word of God. You have poured into me from a distance. You have shaped my view of God. For that I am most grateful. I continue to pray that God will use me to give the people he has entrusted to me a view of God that you're people have."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice! I think he was wearing that same coat when I met him at a Christmas Conference in 95'. Tell him I said hello.