I was reading the Bible last night and came across a passage that I thought I should post about. It's not a commonly read passage, so many of you may not even know of it. This year, I'm reading through the Bible chronologically from the New Living Translation (I like to switch translations each year). Last night I was reading the book of Amos.
Now before I get to the passage, let me make a few comments. First, I realize that this is specifically spoken to the nation of Israel. I'm not trying to stretch that. Things are different now. We are not a country or nation set apart by God. Israel is that in this passage, but we are not. We, as followers of Jesus Christ, are a people of EVERY tribe and tongue. And so I am not saying that these words apply to The United States. God was judging His people, so if we want to make the application today, we shouldn't make it to our country but to the church.
But, secondly, oh the wisdom that is to be found in this warning to those Israelites!
Amos 6:4-6 (NLT)
"How terrible it will be for you who sprawl on ivory beds surrounded with luxury, eating the meat of tender lambs and choice calves. You sing idle songs to the sound of the harp, and you fancy yourselves to be great musicians, as King David was. You drink wine by the bowlful, and you perfume yourselves with exotic fragrances, caring nothing at all that your nation is going to ruin." (emphasis added)
I will comment briefly. It is time for the church to wake up and be the church that loves God and loves people. That loves, reads, meditates on, believes and lives His word. That exists to glorify God not itself. Be glad! We are "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9
It is not the government's job to legislate holiness. It is the churches joy to live it.
Don't hear me wrong. Jesus loves his bride and so do I. Just a reminder. And an encouragement that we are the bride of Christ. His chosen and precious bride whom He loves. He has covered our sins. The debt is paid. Let us live for the glory of His name!
Wake up, church. We overslept. Darkness has fallen and there is work to be done.
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